Constance M. Chen, MD
Meet Dr. Chen
Dr. Chen pioneered perforator flap breast reconstruction at Lenox Hill Hospital, and operates at the New York Eye & Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai as part of the New York Center for the Advancement of Breast Reconstruction. She was previously principal investigator of a multi-institutional clinical trial investigating autologous lymph node transfer to treat breast cancer patients who have developed chronic upper extremity lymphedema after mastectomy.
Dr. Chen is frequently invited to lecture nationally and internationally on new advancements in breast reconstruction and the surgical treatment of lymphedema. She is the author of three books, five book chapters, and fifty journal articles. She has also won numerous awards for her work in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the local, regional, and national levels.
Dr. Chen has developed a reputation in the community for the personalized attention that she devotes to her patients. She is committed to aesthetic restoration of the breast and body, and enjoys helping her patients achieve overall well-being. At the end of the day, there is nothing more important to her than the joy she hopes to bring to her patients’ lives.

08/97 – 06/01
Stanford University School of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine -
08/96 – 06/97
Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Masters of Public Health -
06/95 – 05/96
Radcliffe College
Radcliffe Publishing Course -
09/86 – 06/90
Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges
Bachelor of Arts, History (Honors)
Academic Appointments
3/13 - Present
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, NY Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery -
12/09 - Present
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Clinical Assistant Professor
Committees & Boards
10/16 - Present
Young Survivors Coalition
Council of Advisors Patient Education Committee -
09/15 - Present
Ellen Hermanson Foundation
Board of Directors -
10/11 - Present
National Lymphedema Network
Medical Advisory Committee -
09/09 - Present
Little Baby Face Foundation
Medical Advisory Board
07/08 – 06/09
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Visiting Investigator -
07/08 – 06/09
New York University Medical Center
New York, NY Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Microsurgery Fellow -
07/07 – 06-08
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
New York, NY Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Administrative Chief Resident -
07/06 – 06/07
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
New York, NY Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Plastic Surgery Fellow -
07/05 – 06/06
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinical Research Fellow -
07/04 – 06/05
University of Washington
Seattle, WA Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Plastic Surgery Resident -
06/01 – 06/05
University of Washington
Seattle, WA Department of General Surgery General Surgery Resident

- Little Baby Face Foundation (2017).Honored by the Little Baby Face Foundation for innovative work in aesthetic reconstruction of the breast and body.
- Inspiration Award (2017).Awarded by Cook for Your Life, a non-profit committed to teaching healthy cooking for people touched by cancer, for pioneering the use of innovative, natural techniques for breast reconstruction surgery.
- Chinese American Nursing Association (2017).Awarded by the Chinese American Nursing Association for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration.
- Castle-Connolly America’s Top Doctors (2015).Named by Castle-Connolly as one of the top 1% of America’s doctors.
- Best New Investigator Award (2012).Awarded by the National Lymphedema Network in recognition of outstanding lymphedema research.
- Women Plastic Surgeons (WPS) Scholarship (2008). Awarded by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Women Plastic Surgeons Forum to support participation in the 2008 WPS Summer Workshop.
- Dicran Goulian, MD Award (2008). Awarded by New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Division of Plastic Surgery, for academic excellence in plastic surgery.
- Leonard R. Rubin - AAPS Best Paper Award (2007). Awarded by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons for the best paper at the 86 annual meeting.
- Universityof Washington, Division of Plastic Surgery—Certificate of Recognition (2005). Awarded by the University of Washington, Division of Plastic Surgery for outstanding performance on the 2005 plastic surgery inservice exam.
- Northwestern Society of Plastic Surgeons—Clinical Award (2003). Awarded by the Northwestern Society of Plastic Surgeons for "Interim Follow-up Results of the Simplified Vertical Reduction Mammaplasty
- Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons-Clinical Award (2002). Awarded by the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons for "New Innovations in the VerticalReduction Mammoplasty."

- Levine J, Vasile J, Chen CM, Allen RJ (Eds.). Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction. New York, NY: Thieme. 144 pp. Hardcover, March 2016.
- A medical textbook on current techniques in perforator flap breast reconstruction.
- Available for order from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
- Grant RT and Chen CM (Eds.). Cosmetic Surgery. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 312 pp. Paperback, September 2010.
- A medical textbook on current techniques in aesthetic plastic surgery.
- Available for order from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
- Chen CM. “The Sex Side of Life”: Mary Ware Dennett’s Pioneering Battle for Birth Control and Sex Education. New York, NY: The New Press. 374 pp. Hardcover, June 1996; paperback, May 1997.
- A biography of Mary Ware Dennett, an early 20th century birth control and sex education advocate.
- Available for order from Amazon.

- Jazayeri Leila, Chen CM, and Cordeiro PG. "Midface and Cheek Reconstruction: The Memorial Sloan Kettering Approach." In Rodriguez E, Losee J, and Neligan PC (Eds.),Plastic Surgery Volume 3: Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery, 4th Edition. pp.255-267. Oxford: Elsevier, 2017.
- Chen CM , LoTempio M,and Allen RJ Sr. “Profunda Artery Perforator (PAP) Flap for Breast Reconstruction.” In Spiegel A (Ed.), Breast Reconstruction - Current Perspectives and State of the Art Techniques. Rijeka: InTech, 2013.
- Chen CM, Disa JJ, and Cordeiro PG. “Midface Reconstruction.” In Neligan PC and Rodriguez E (Eds.), Plastic Surgery: Head and Neck Surgery, 3rd Edition. Maryland Heights: Elsevier, 2012.
- Allen RJ Sr and Chen CM. The Deep Inferior Epigastric Flap for Breast Reconstruction. In Fischer JE and Bland KI (Eds.), Mastery of Surgery, 6th Edition, pp.650-657. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011.
- Chen CM, LoTempio M, and Allen RJ Sr. The Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap for Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction. In Spear SL (Ed.), Surgery of the Breast: Principles and Art, 3rd Edition, pp.803-807. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
- Chen CM and Mehrara BJ. Principles of Surgical Flaps. In Sisco M and Kryger ZB (Eds.), Practical Plastic Surgery, pp.49-55. Philadelphia: Landes Biosciences, 2007.
- Chen CM and Allen RJ. Principles of Plastic Surgery. In Sisco M and Kryger ZB (Eds.), Practical Plastic Surgery, pp.43-48. Philadelphia: Landes Biosciences, 2007.
- Chen CM and Cole J. Skin Grafting and Skin Substitutes. In Sisco M and Kryger ZB (Eds.), Practical Plastic Surgery, pp.154-162. Philadelphia: Landes Biosciences, 2007.

- Thimmappa ND, Prince MR, Colen KL, Ahn CY, Dutruel SP, Greenspun DT, Vasile JV, Chen CM, Usal H, Rohde CH, Redstone JS, LoTempio MM, Lerman OZ, Nath AK, Allen RJ, and Levine JL. Breast tissue expanders with magnetic ports: Clinical experience at 1.5 T.Plast Reconstr Surg. 138(6):1171-1178, 2016
- Agrawal MD, Thimmappa ND, Vasile JV, Allen RJ, Greenspun DT, Ahn CY, Chen CM, Hedgire SS, and Prince MR. Autologous breast reconstruction: Preoperative magnetic resonance angiography for perforator flap vessel mapping.J Reconstr Microsurg. 31(1):1-11, 2015.
- Chen CM. Autologous lymph node transfer: An update.LymphLink. 25(1):5-9, 2013.
- Schneider LF, Chen CM, Stolier AJ, Shapiro RL, Ahn CY, and Allen RJ. Nipple-sparing mastectomy and immediate free-flap breast reconstruction in the large ptotic breast. Ann Plast Surg. 69(4):425-428, 2012.
- Becker C, Vasile JV, Levine JL, Batista BN, Studinger RM, andChen CM. Microlymphatic surgery for the treatment of iatrogenic lymphedema.Clin Plast Surg. 39(4):385-398, 2012.
- Chen CMand Fu MR. Autologous lymph node transfer: update on a clinical trial.LymphLink. 24(2):7-10, 2012.
- Cordeiro PG and Chen CM. A 15-year review of midface reconstruction after total and subtotal maxillectomy: Part I: Algorithm and outcomes.Plast Reconstr Surg. 129(1):124-36, 2012.
- Chen CM, Klassen AF, Cano SJ, and Pusic AL.BCTOS in measuring HR-QoL after breast-conserving therapy.Breast J. 17(4):443, 2011.
- Cordeiro PG and Chen CM. A 15-year review of midface reconstruction after total and subtotal maxillectomy: Part I: Algorithm and outcomes.Plast Reconstr Surg. 15 June 2011. Epub ahead of print.
- Cordeiro PG and Chen CM. A 15-year review of midface reconstruction after total and subtotal maxillectomy: Part II: Technical modifications to maximize aesthetic and functional outcomes.Plast Reconstr Surg. 15 June 2011. Epub ahead of print.
- Chen CM, Craigie J, Erhard H, Greenspun D, Khoobehi K, Kline R, Levine J, Lotempio M, Sadeghi A, Spiegel A, Stolier A, Allen RJ. Study suggests trend toward greater donor-site morbidity in TRAM flap patients.Plast Reconstr Surg. 127(2):1007-8, 2011.
- Tuinder S, Chen CM, Massey MF, Allen RJ Sr, Van Der Huist R.Introducing the sc-GAP flap: A simplified approach to microsurgical breast reconstruction.Plast Reconstr Surg. 127(2):489-95, 2011.
- Chen CM, Cano S, Klassen A, King T, McCarthy CM, Cordeiro PG, Pusic AL.Measuring quality of life in oncologic breast surgery: a systematic review of patient-reported outcomes instruments.Breast J. 16(6):587-97, 2010.
- Fu M, Chen CM, Haber J, Guth AA, Axelrod D.The effects of providing information about lymphedema on the cognitive and symptom outcomes of breast cancer survivors.Ann Surg Onc.17(7):1847-53. Epub 2010 Feb 6.
- LoTempio M, Studinger R, Vaisille J,Chen C, Levine J, Allen R.Lymph node transplantation in breast reconstruction using perforator flaps.Cancer Res. 69(24 Suppl 3):3112, 2009.
- Chen CM, Disa JJ, Sacchini V, Pusic AL, Mehrara BJ, Garcia-Etienne CA, Cordeiro PG.Nipple-sparing mastectomy and immediate tissue expander/implant breast reconstruction.Plast Reconstr Surg. 124(6):1772-80, 2009.
- Chandler EM,Chen CM, Spector JA. Bilateral fibrolipoma of the median nerve.J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 62(5):e99-e100, 2009.
- Schneider LF,Chen CM, Zurada J, Walther R, Grant RT. Surgical management of lymphatic malformation of the lower extremity.Can J Plast Surg. 16:1-3, 2008.
- Allen RJ Jr,Chen CM, Warren SM. Free pectoral skin flap in the rat based on the long thoracic vessels: A new flap model for experimental study and microsurgical training (Invited Discussion).Ann Plast Surg. 61(4):479-80, 2008.
- Chen CM, Disa JJ, Cordeiro PG, Pusic AL, McCarthy CM, Mehrara BJ. The incidence of venous thromboembolism after oncologic head and neck reconstruction.Ann Plast Surg. 60(5):476-9, 2008.
- Chen CM, Lajoie L, Grant RT, Spector JA. Introduction to body contouring after bariatric surgery.Bariatric Times. 5(3): 1, 6-9, 2008.
- Chen CM, Ashjian P, Disa JJ, Cordeiro PG, Pusic AL, Mehrara BJ.Is the use of intraoperative heparin safe?Plast Reconstr Surg. 121(3):49e-53e, 2008.
- Chen CM and Cordeiro PG. The tongue-in-groove technique for orbital floor reconstruction after maxillectomy.Plast Reconstr Surg. 121(1): 225-232, 2008.
- Chen CM, Halvorson EG, Disa JJ, Hu QY, McCarthy CM, Pusic AL, Cordeiro PG, Mehrara BJ.Immediate postoperative complications in DIEP vs muscle-sparing free TRAM flaps for breast reconstruction.Plast Reconstr Surg. 120(6): 1477-1482, 2007.
- Pusic AL,Chen CM, Cano S, Klassen A, McCarthy C, Collins ED, Cordeiro PG.Measuring quality of life in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery: a systematic review of patient-reported outcomes instruments.Plast Reconstr Surg. 120(4): 823-837, 2007.
- Pusic AL,Chen CM, Patel S, Cordeiro PG, Shah JP. Microvascular reconstruction of the skull base: a clinical approach to oncologic defect classification and flap selection.Skull Base. 17(1): 5-15, 2007.
- Ashjian P,Chen CM, Disa JJ, Pusic AL, Cordeiro PG, Mehrara BJ. The effect of postoperative anticoagulation on microvascular thrombosis.Ann Plast Surg. 59(1): 36-40, 2007.
- Pusic AL, Liu J,Chen CM, Cano S, Davridge K, Klassen A, Branski R, Patel S, Kraus D, Cordeiro PG. A systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures in head and neck cancer surgery.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 136(4):525-35, 2007.
- Chen CM, Disa JJ, Lee HY, Mehrara BJ, Hu QY, Nathan S, Boland P, Healey J, Cordeiro PG. Reconstruction of extremity long bone defects after sarcoma resection with vascularized fibula flaps: A 10-year review.Plast Reconstr Surg. 119(3): 915-924, 2007.
- Behnam AB,Chen CM, Pusic AL, Mehrara BJ, Disa JJ, Athanasian EA, Cordeiro PG. The pedicled latissimus dorsi flap for shoulder reconstruction after sarcoma resection.Ann Surg Onc. 14(5): 1591-5, 2007.
- Chen CM, White C, Warren SM, Cole J, and Isik FF.Simplifying the vertical reduction mammaplasty.Plast Reconstr Surg. 113(1): 162-172, 2004.
- Chen CM, Warren SM, and Isik FF.Innovations to the vertical reduction mammaplasty: Making the transition.Ann Plast Surg. 50(6): 579-587, 2003.
- Warren SM, Fong KD,Chen CM, Loboa EG, Cowan CM, Lorenz HP, and Longaker MT. Tools and techniques for craniofacial tissue engineering.Tissue Eng. 9(2): 187-200, 2003.
- Warren SM, Hedrick MH, Sylvester K, Longaker MT, and Chen CM. New directions in bioabsorbable technology.J Neurosurg. 97(4 Suppl): 481-489, 2002.
- Warren SM, Sylvester K,Chen CM, Hedrick MH, and Longaker MT. New directions in bioabsorbable technology.Orthopedics. 25(10 Suppl): 1201-1210, 2002.
- Moss RL,Chen CM,and Harrison MR. Prosthetic patch durability in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: A long-term follow-up study.J Ped Surg. 36(1): 152-154, 2001.
- Allen RJ, Kaplan J, and Chen CM. Comparison of the costs of DIEP and TRAM flaps: Reply.Plast Reconstr Surg. 107(3): 884, 2001.
- Allen RJ and Chen CM. Re: Effect of smoking on complications in patients undergoing free TRAM flap breast reconstruction.Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly.11(4), 2000.
- Allen RJ and Chen CM. Re: Effect of obesity on flap and donor-site complications in free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap breast reconstruction.Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. 11(4), 2000.
- Chen C.Best in ski: Your no-frills formula for a more productive season on the slopes.National Geographic Adventure. November/December 2006, 40.
- Chen C. Skin savers: Sun protection for outdoor athletes.National Geographic Adventure. June/July 2006, 37.
- Chen C. Women’s admissions.Stanford Medicine. Fall 2000, 17(3): 12-17.
- Chen C. Writing fiction, exploring reality.Stanford Medicine. Summer 1999, 16(4): 31.
- Chen C. Mirror of the divine: Art in the Baha’i world community (Book Review).Baha’i Studies Review. 1997, 7(1): 100-103.
- Chen C. Marzieh Gail: “Patron saint” of women Baha’i scholars.Baha’i Studies Review. 1996, 6(1): 135-139.
- Chen C. The new family: The role of the father, the role of the mother.World Order. Fall 1996, 39-48.
- Chen C. Dimensions in spirituality (Book Review).Baha’i Studies Review. 1995, 5(1): 93-94.
- Chen C. The importance of service.HarvardUniversityGazette. 9 June 1994, 17.
- Chen C. Pornography vs. censorship: What is good for women?New Directions for Women. September/October 1992, 12, 34.
- Chen C. These broads weren’t born yesterday.Walking Magazine. September/ October 1992, 17.
- Chen C. Birth control’s other mother: Mary Ware Dennett.New Directions for Women. July/August 1992, M1-3.
- Chen C. Birth control today: An analysis of the 1991 Guttmacher Report.New Directions for Women. January/February 1992, 5.
- Chen C. Street harassment.New Directions for Women. September/October 1991, 10.
- Chen C. A Lampy babe tells all.Rolling Stone. 21 March 1991, 56.
- Chen C. 1960s Peace in the 1990s.Village Beat. Winter 1991, 10.
- Chen C. Mary Ware Dennett and The Sex Side of Life. Radcliffe. Winter 1991, 15.
- 10th Annual Joining FORCE’s Against Hereditary Cancer Conference. Orlando, FL. 9 June 2017. “Breast reconstruction with implants and natural tissue” (invited faculty).
- Breast Roundtable and Lab. Philadelphia, PA. 6 November 2016. "Sensory innervation in breast reconstruction" (invited faculty). Lecture and cadaver dissection.
- 5th International Meeting of the Group for the Advancement of Breast Reconstruction. Pisa, Italy. 18 September 2015. “Variations on the Profunda Artery Perforator (PAP) Flap.”
- Congress of the World Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery. Mumbai, India. 19 March 2015. "Profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap for breast reconstruction: Planning and execution" (invited faculty).
- Duke University School of Medicine: 2015 PerforatorFlap Breast Reconstruction Course (Faculty). Durham, NC. 1 March 2015. “Profunda a rtery perforator (PAP) flap for breast reconstruction.” Lecture and cadaver dissection demonstrations.
- Breast Reconstruction: State of the Art. NYU School of Medicine. New York, NY. 22 November 2014. “Preoperative imaging techniques prior to perforator flaps” (invited faculty).
- 15th International Course on Perforator Flaps. New York, New York. 22 November 2013. “Women’s Perspective on Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction” (moderator).
- Chinese Institute of Engineers – Greater New York Chapter. F lushing, New Y ork. 9 November 2013. “ Advances in Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction and the Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema” (invited faculty).
- The 82nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons . San Diego, California. 15 October 2013. “Advances in Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction” (invited faculty).
- The 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons. New Orleans, LA. 21 April 2013. “Our First 101 Profunda Artery Perforator (PAP) Flaps for Breast Reconstruction” (poster).
- The 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons. New Orleans, LA. 21 April 2013. “Autologous lymph node transfer: Does it work?” (poster).
- NYU College of Nursing. New York, NY. 19 November 2012. “Perforator flap breast reconstruction and the treatment of lymphedema.”
- Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery: Controversies and Technical Challenges.Chelmsford, Essex, UK. 17 November 2012. “Advances in lymphedema surgery: Outcome measures in lymphedema microsurgery.”
- Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery: Controversies and Technical Challenges.Chelmsford, Essex, UK. 17 November 2012.“Slimmer patient alternatives: Profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap for breast reconstruction.”
- Fab Over Fifty. New York, NY. 29 September 2012. “Breast and body restoration: Doing it the natural way.”
- 10th National Lymphedema Network International Conference.Dallas, TX. 6 September 2012. “Autologous lymph node transfer for treatment of chronic upper extremity post-mastectomy lymphedema: preliminary results.”
- Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses.Milton, NY. 19 June 2012. “Breast reconstruction after mastectomy.”
- Oakstone Lecture Series.New York, NY. 20 May 2012. “Breast reduction.”
- Oakstone Lecture Series.New York, NY. 20 May 2012. “Melanoma and skin cancer.”
- 4th Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance Conference (Plenary Speaker).Monrovia, CA. 26 April 2012. “Breast reconstruction after mastectomy.”
- 4th Meeting of the Group for the Advancement of Breast Reconstruction.Sonoma Valley, CA. 21 April 2012. “Pushing the limit of nipple-sparing mastectomy: bilateral NSM/bilateral DIEP in GG cup breasts.”
- 4th Meeting of the Group for the Advancement of Breast Reconstruction.Sonoma Valley, CA. 20 April 2012. “Profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap for
Poland’s Syndrome.” - 11th Congress of the European Federation of Reconstructive Microsurgery (Roundtable Panelist).Paris, France. 6 April 2012. “Breast reconstruction and autologous lymph node transfer for lymphedema.”
- North Shore-Long Island Jewish Hospital Breast Tumor Board.New York, NY. 8 March 2012. “Autologous lymph node transfer for treatment of chronic post-mastectomy lymphedema.”
- Duke University School of Medicine: 2012 Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction Course (Faculty).Durham, NC. 24-26 February 2012. “Profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap.” Lecture and cadaver dissection demonstrations.
- NYU College of Nursing.New York, NY. 21 November 2011. "Perforator flap breast reconstruction."
- Breast Reconstruction: State of the Art. NYU School of Medicine.New York, NY. 19 November 2011. "Preoperative imaging techniques prior to perforator flap breast reconstruction."
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2011 Breast Cancer Symposium.San Francisco, CA. 9 September 2011. “Perforator flaps in thin patients (poster).”
- Lenox Hill Hospital Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds.New York, NY. 22 August 2011. "Perforator flap breast reconstruction."
- American Cancer Society, Asian Initiatives, Chinese-speaking Breast Cancer Support Group.Flushing, NY. 9 July 2011. "The advancement of breast reconstruction with microsurgery."
- Translating Advanced Scientific Knowledge into Nursing Practice Workshop.Flushing, NY. 11 June 2011. "The advancement of breast reconstruction with microsurgery."
- Lymph Node Transfer: A Cure for Lymphedema?(Course Co-Director). New York, NY. 21 May 2011. “Autologous lymph node transfer: A double-blind randomized clinical trial.”
- American Cancer Society, Asian Initiatives.Flushing, NY. 16 April 2011. “The advancement of breast reconstruction with microsurgery.”
- NYU College of Nursing.New York, NY. 12 April 2010. “Perforator flap breast reconstruction: An Introduction.”
- 32nd Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.San Antonio, TX. 10-13 December 2009. “Lymph node transplantation in breast reconstruction using perforator flaps (poster).”
- American Society of Clinical Oncology 2009 Breast Cancer Symposium.San Francisco, CA. 8 October 2009. “Breast reconstruction with the septocutaneous perforator flap: The next frontier (poster).”
- Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons 26th Annual Meeting.Charleston, SC. 23-27 September 2009. “The sc-DIEP: Is it the best abdominal flap for breast reconstruction?"
- Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons 26th Annual Meeting.Charleston, SC. 23-27 September 2009. “The impact of preoperative CTA on microvascular free flap planning and execution.”
- 1st Annual Meeting of the European Plastic Surgery Research Council.Hamburg, Germany. 21 August 2009. “Breast Reconstruction with the Septocutaneous Perforator Flap: The Next Frontier.”
- Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 2009 Annual Meeting. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. 9 June 2009. “The sc-DIEP for Breast Reconstruction.”
- New York Society for Surgery of the Hand. New York, New York. 12 May 2009. “Free Toe Pulp Transfer for Volar Digital Defects.”
- American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery 2009 Annual Meeting. Maui, Hawaii. 13 January 2009. “Septocutaneous Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap for Breast Reconstruction.”
- The 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons.Boston, Massachusetts. 7 April 2008. “Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction: Experience with 54 Consecutive Cases” (poster).
- Plastic Surgery Senior Residents Conference. Washington, District of Columbia. 31 January 2008. “The Tongue-in-Groove Method for Orbital Floor Reconstruction.”
- American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery 2008 Annual Meeting. Beverly Hills, California. 15 January 2008. “Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.”
- Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons 24th Annual Meeting. Southampton, Bermuda. 6 October 2007. “The Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism in Head and Neck Reconstruction.”
- The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council.Stanford, California. 22 June 2007. “Measuring Quality of Life in Breast Surgery: A Systematic Review of Patient-reported Outcomes Instruments.”
- American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery 2007 Annual Meeting. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. 14 January 2007. “A Comparison of Postoperative Sequelae in Free TRAM and DIEP Flaps for Breast Reconstruction.”
- ShowChwan Memorial Hospital. Lugang Town, Taiwan. 13 December 2007. “Measuring Quality of Life Outcomes in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.”
- Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons 23rd Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts. 1 December 2006. “A Single Center’s Experience with 200 Consecutive DIEP and Free TRAM Flaps.”
- The 75th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Francisco, California. 8 October 2006.“Is Intraoperative Heparin Safe?” (poster).
- HarborviewMedical CenterTrauma Conference. Seattle, Washington. 17 May 2004. “Hand Trauma.”
- Universityof WashingtonSurgical Science Series. Seattle, Washington. 28 January 2004. “Head and Neck Tumors.”
- Universityof WashingtonTransplant Surgery Grand Rounds. Seattle, Washington. 30 October 2003. “Hand Transplantation.”
- The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Northwestern Society of Plastic Surgeons. Banff, British Columbia. 8 February 2004. “A Gender-based Analysis of Plastic Surgery Patients.”
- The 48th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council. Las Vegas, Nevada. 25 April 2003. “SF-12 Analysis of Patients Seeking Plastic Surgery.”
- The 41st Annual Meeting of the Northwestern Society of Plastic Surgeons. Hapuna Beach, Hawaii. 4 February 2003. “Interim Follow-up Results of the Simplified Vertical Reduction Mammaplasty.” (Winner of Best Clinical Paper Award)
- ChangGung Memorial Hospital, Department of Plastic Surgery. Taipei, Taiwan, 18 December 2002. “Tips and Techniques for a Modified Vertical Reduction Mammaplasty.”
- The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Antonio, Texas. 2002. 4 November 2002. “Mastering the Vertical Reduction Mammaplasty: A Simple, Reliable Technique.” (Panel Presentation)
- The 19th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons. Southampton, Bermuda. 3 October 2002. “New Innovations in the Vertical Reduction Mammaplasty.” (Winner of Best Clinical Paper Award)
- American College of Surgeons, Washington State Chapter, 2002 Annual Meeting. Lake Chelan, Washington, 14 June 2002. “Mastering the Vertical Reduction Mammaplasty: A Simple, Reliable Technique.”
- The 31st Annual Meeting of the American Pediatric Surgical Association. Orlando, Florida, 28 May 2000. “Prosthetic Patch Durability in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias: A Long-term Follow-up Study.”
- International Medicine Lecture Series. Stanford, California. 14 February 2000. “Study of Orphans in China.”
- International Medical Opportunities Conference. Stanford, California. 13 November 1999. “Conducting Research in the People’s Republic of China.”
- The 46th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Chicago, Illinois. 22 October 1999. “Observations of Temperament in Chinese Preschool Children.”
- The 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Washington, District of Columbia. 18 May 1999. “Institutionalized Children in East Asia”(poster).
- Stanford Medical Student Research Symposium.Stanford, California. 7 May 1999. “Effects of Institutionalization among Children in China.”